How Long Do Pet Hognose Snakes Live?

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Are you a budding herpetologist looking for a low-maintenance pet snake species? If so, then the hognose snake might be your perfect match! These docile and beautiful snakes boast an affordable price tag, making them accessible to many potential owners. 

Plus, they don’t grow very large – usually not more than three feet in length – meaning that you don’t have to invest in expensive cages or equipment. A common question among potential hognose snake owners is: how long do these wonderful reptiles live? In this article, we will answer this question and provide five other key facts about the small hognose snakes that everyone should know before deciding if it is right for them.

How often do you clean a hognose snake?

Cleaning a hognose snake is an essential part of its care routine. Keeping the enclosure and the snake’s habitat spotless can help prevent skin irritations and fungal infections in snakes, as well as ensure their overall well-being. As such, it is important to clean out the cage every one to two weeks or so, depending on how often you feed your hognose snake. 

Cleaning should involve removing any visible dirt and fecal material, replacing the substrate with fresh bedding material where necessary, and thoroughly washing and disinfecting all surfaces with a reptile-safe cleaning solution. Additionally, keep an eye on any toys or hideouts that may live in your hognose’s enclosure; these should be wiped down frequently to keep them free from bacteria. With proper care and regular cleaning, you’ll be able to enjoy a healthy and happy pet snake for years.

Can I keep 2 hognose snakes together?

It is not recommended that you house two hognose snakes together. While they can technically coexist in the same enclosure, they may fight with each other over food or access to hiding spots. If space permits, it is much better to provide them with enough room to have separate spaces if needed. 

Keep in mind, if the hognose snakes mate, the male might try to eat the females while they are laying eggs. Therefore it is important to keep them apart if you want to avoid this issue altogether.

What do hognose snakes do when scared?

Hognose snakes have some unique defensive behaviors, especially when they feel scared. When confronted with a potential predator they’ll rear up their head and spread their neck and body like a cobra would do or hiss loudly. Then if that doesn’t work, they will roll onto their backs, curl their necks in an ‘S’ shape, open their mouths wide, and stick out their tongues, as if dead! 

Thankfully for them, this is usually enough to make the potential threat go away. If you’ve ever seen it happen then you know how crazy it looks! It’s certainly not your everyday snake behavior.

Do hognose snakes ever bite?

Do hognose snakes ever bite? For anyone who has ever been curious about this reptile, the answer is yes. Fortunately, despite their impressive-looking snout and design of sharp teeth, they are primarily harmless creatures! While they may bite in an attempt to scare you away, these snake bites rarely break the skin.

If a hognose snake does decide to chomp down with extra force, it likely won’t cause much more than some momentary discomfort. So don’t worry; if you ever find yourself coming face-to-face with one of these critters in the wild, you can remain calm and approach with caution rather than fear.

Are hognose active at night?

Hognose are colorful, medium-sized snakes typically found in North America. While they’re not strictly nocturnal, these slithering reptilians can be seen active at night, especially in the summertime, when the temperature is a bit cooler. Hognose come out of their burrows and den sites to find food and bask in the moonlight. 

They often forage rodents, lizards, and amphibians during this time. Watching hognose do their nightly thing can be quite fascinating; so if you’re lucky enough to happen upon one of these guys after the sun has set, take a moment to admire it from a respectful distance!

How do you tame a hognose snake?

Taming a hognose snake could be a fun and rewarding experience since they are known to be friendly and relatively low-maintenance when compared to many other types of snakes. Start by introducing the enclosure, carefully moving the snake in, and allowing it to get comfortable with its new surroundings. Make sure the temperature is stable in the enclosure at all times, as hognoses need some physical warmth to stay healthy. 

Once the enclosure is ready, feed your hognose live prey or smelt for several days until you are accustomed to each other’s presence. After your hognose is becoming less defensive and more curious around you, you can start working on getting them used to your hands by feeding them with pleasure, offering treats, and encouraging positive behavior with gentle petting. 

If done consistently and properly, taming a hognose snake could eventually make them act like a companion that’s calm enough to lounge in your lap or listen intently while being read bedtime stories.

How long do hognose snakes live?

Hognose snakes are fascinating creatures, and for many snake lovers, it is an important question to ask how long they can expect one to live. The answer really depends on the species of hognose and their environment, but usually, those that are kept in captivity have lifespans between 10-15 years. 

Those in the wild can live longer, but with unknown variables and a lack of available data, it’s hard to estimate an exact figure. Regardless, this lively reptile has plenty of personalities to pack into its relatively short lifespan!

What snake lives 20 years?

Many snakes live in the wild for up to 20 years, but one of the oldest known species is the Far Eastern Rat Snake. It is native to Russia, China, and Japan and can live anywhere from 18-25 years. Depending on their environment, they can reach lengths of over 6 feet! 

These snakes are very adaptable and tend to thrive in an array of different habitats. Rat Snakes can also be kept as pets so long as you have the right setup and are committed to giving your pet a long and happy life.

How long does a snake live on average?

Snakes are mysterious creatures that have caused fascination and fear in humans since ancient times. We often wonder how old they can get, but their life spans may surprise you. On average, a snake can live anywhere from 5 – 25 years, though some snakes have been known to live for up to 50 years! 

The length of their lives typically depends on the species, with some being particularly hardy and others having shorter lifespans. Additionally, due to several factors such as environmental conditions or diet, an individual snake’s lifespan may be shorter or longer than their species’ average. All things considered, it is clear that these mysterious creatures have the potential for longer lifespans than we imagined.

What is the most lifespan snake?

The King Cobra is the longest-living snake in the world boasting an impressive average lifespan of 20 years. Cave-dwelling blind snakes are close behind with an average lifespan of 15-19 years. 

Not all snakes can match these impressive lifespans though; most species of snake have a far shorter life expectancy, usually around 8-10 years. Factors that influence a snake’s overall lifespan include its size, diet, environment, and stress levels. Generally speaking, larger snakes such as King Cobras tend to live longer than smaller varieties, while diet and habitat play a large part in determining how long a wild snake might survive.


In conclusion, pet hognose snakes can live anywhere from 10 to 15 years if you provide them with the best environment and care. They are relatively small snakes, but should never be handled by an inexperienced person as they are very skittish and may feel threatened leading to unpredictable behavior. This means selecting a good snake-savvy vet is important and that you need to pay close attention to the climate around them and keep other pets away. 

Further yet, not just any enclosure will do; it needs to have correct temperatures, humidity levels, and ventilation for your snake’s health. When cared for properly, these keeled-backed friends will reward your dedication with charm and personality! So, if you’re looking for an interesting reptile companion with an adorable personality, then a pet hognose snake might just be the perfect pet for you!


Orlando Sparks

Orlando Sparks

Hi, my name is Orlando Sparks, and I’m a snake lover!
My first encounter with a pet snake was when I was just 5 years old. My parents were friends with another family who had a few snakes as pets, and I was fascinated by them.

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